Medication Tailored To You

All our compounded medications are made by our pharmacists to the exact strength and dosage advised by your practitioner.

Discovering New & Individualised Ways For A Healthier Life

​In a market of mass-produced pharmaceuticals, we specialise in customised medication to meet the needs of you and your healthcare practitioner.

Highly Qualified Pharmacists With Formal Training In Compounding

We ensure you to deliver tailor-made solutions to your health care needs.

Certified Pharmacists

Our highly qualified compounding pharmacists have the right environment and equipment to deliver quality assured compounded medications.


About Us

Queanbeyan Compounding operates within the Blooms The Chemist Karabar store located in the Karabar Shopping Mall

We are proudly the First and Only Compounding Pharmacy within the Queanbeyan Region. We started offering Compounding services in 2018 and since this time we have continued to cater to the needs of our local community and wider region, who otherwise would have had to access compounding services in Canberra

All compounding services are undertaken by our Accredited Pharmacists in our custom compounding lab.

Services We Provide

Below is a list of common preparations that we compound:

  • RMelatonin Capsules and Suspension
  • ROmeprazole Suspension
  • RHormone Creams and Capsules
  • RCommon topical preparations for wide range of skin conditions
  • RPalmitoylethanolamide capsules
  • RTreatment for Hair Loss
The list above is not exhaustive.
It is best to touch base and talk to one of our
compounding professionals to discuss your needs and requirements
Ready Medicine

Compounding FAQs

What is compounding?

Compounding is the measurement, preparation, mixing, assembling, packaging and labelling of medication made specifically for an individual need. Compounding exists for patients for whom commercially manufactured medicines are neither available nor appropriate.

What are the benefits of compounding?
Unlike mass produced commercial medications, compounded medications are tailored to an individual’s needs. A doctor can prescribe medication which is dosed specifically for individual patient needs whilst taking any allergies, lifestyle choices or personal requirements into account. This ensures a medication that will work effectively and safely for each patient.
Is compounding legal and safe?
Compounding was the traditional art and science of medicines production prior to the evolution of mass medicines production. It now exists as a lawful, safe and valuable channel for doctors to provide customized medicines for individual patients whose needs cannot be met with conventional manufactured medicines.

Compounding pharmacists undergo extensive additional training in addition to their pharmacy qualifications to specialize in the preparation of sterile and non-sterile medicines.

Every raw material used in each medicine is accompanied with a Certificate of Analysis and any imported ingredients are analysed by an independent, registered analytical laboratory. Our code of practice is to use ingredients from Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) suppliers approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) or the USA Food & Drug Administration (FDA)

Do I need a prescription?
Most compounded products contain active ingredients requiring a doctor’s prescription. However, some non-prescription ingredients can be found in compounded cosmetic products and certain medicinal products which can be purchased on our online store or by enquiring directly with the team at Queanbeyan Compounding.
Why might compounded medicines cost more than some manufactured equivalents?
The cost of compounded medication can vary based on the formulation but most commonly involves the cost and quantity of the active ingredient and the time required to produce the medicine as an individual preparation. Simple compounded medicines will generally be less expensive than more complex formulations where research and development may need to be entered into.

At Queanbeyan Compounding, we are also committed to using the best quality raw materials available to ensure they are safe for human and animal use whilst being efficacious. For more information on cost about particular medicines, our team will be happy to discuss options that will best meet an individual patient’s needs.

How long will it take to produce a compounded product?
The time it takes to compound your medication depends on the ingredients needed and the form it comes in. Most products fall between 1-2 business days from the time the script is received until the product is finished and ready for collection or delivery. Some sterile products may require a slightly longer period which patients will normally be advised of when submitting their prescription.